Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Swag fest

Swag Fest opened yesterday, and there are quite a few lovely stuff there. Please remember, it's going to be laggy, so remove all unnessecarry scripts and huds, take off your chims, your color change scripted hairs and hats, blingy jewelry, and no need for your flexi ballgowns. They're only allowing 100 scripts, so if you have more than 100 on you will be ejected. Keep from being ejected, check your scripts before you tp in.

To check your scripts, you can right click your avatar and script info.

Happy shopping!

What is Lyrical Wearing:
Skin: Pink Fuel; Kumi in Hazel
Tattoo: Aitui; Lip- Meow
Eyes: Ikon, Kaleido Eyes in Leaf
Hair: Magika; Faint in Hud 3
Shirt: Epic; Mesh Loose Tank in Magestic (@ Swag Fest )
Skirt: Epic; Mesh Denim Mini Skirt {Leopard}-{Dark Blue}

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