Thursday, October 4, 2012

Go pink for October

I don't often get on the soap box, but I think this blog post is going to be more soap boxy than fashiony. October is the national Breast Cancer Awareness month. It is estimated that in 2012, that of 226,870 women will be dianogsed with and 39, 510 will die from breast cancer. The statistics are staggering.

 Breast cancer is something that has touched each and everyone of us in some way or another. My maternal grandmother died from it. I remember being 10, and my mom sitting down and talking to me about it, about the importance of the breast self-examination. At the same time, my mom was worried that she too might have breast cancer. It really opened my eyes.

So get envolved; donate, participate in a Susan G. Komen race, become a Susan G. Komen advocate. Go Pink for October, get envolved, stand with those whom breast cancer has touched. Yes, I'm wearing pink in Second Life, but I'm getting envolved in real life too. My family and I will be participating in the next race in Columbus.

Are you?

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