Monday, May 7, 2012

Lazy Day

Mmm.... Yeah. Right. I had about enough time to log in, snap this photo, do a little jazzing up, and then sneaked some time to write up this blog. I do my own laundry, I'm a big girl. It's easy enough to put some quarters in the machine, load it,press a button. But the laundry of the others living in this house has been piling up, and up, and up. Including towels (mine gets tossed with my clothes, but still). So.... It's like you toss on the worst things in your closet because they're so bad you won't wear 'em any other time laundry day. Ri-dic-u-lous.

What am I wearing:
Skin: LAQ: Alva in Cocoa
Eyes: Ikon: Sunrise in Incan Gold Light
Hair: Truth: Tasmine in Coffee
Shirt: Bitch Tail: part of the "Hug it out bitch" outfit (mesh)
Feet: Gaeline: flat bare feet (mesh)

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